Exercise 3: Exporting data to a file

To export an r-object to a file, write.table function is used. For example, we can export the bodydata table we just imported as a text file named bodydata-export.txt as,

write.table(bodydata, file = "_data/bodydata-export.txt", 
            row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

We can also use write.csv function to export the data in csv format. The txt and csv file format only holds data in tabular structures. Sometimes we need to save other R-objects such as fitted models or list for which we can use Rdata format. We can save our bodydata objects in Rdata format as,

save(bodydata, file = "_data/bodydata-export.rdata")

This will export bodydata object to a file named bodydata-export.rdata in _data folder in your project directory.